Biblical Christianity explained in your own language
Click on the letters below and you will get to sites with text, audio or video in the language of your heart.
- Albanian: (A)
- Arabic: (A) (B) (C) (E) (F) (H) (J)
- Chinese: (A)
- Croatian: (A)
- Cebuano: (A)
- Farsi: (A) (B)
- French: (A)
- German: (A) (B) (C)
- Guiarathi: (A)
- Hindi: (A) (B)
- Indonesian: (A) (C)
- Italian: (A)
- Malay: (A)
- Punjabi: (A)
- Polish: (A)
- Tamil: (A)
- Turkish: (A)
- Urdu: (B) (C)
Is the language of your heart not on this list?
Have a look at the following sites and you will most likely find it there: (A) (B) (C)
A free audio bible can be found here: offers the World English Bible in mp3 audio, real audio, and windows media audio for free download and online listening. The Bible audio files can be freely copied and used. The site also offers a comprehensive links page to Bible audio on the Web in many translations and languages.