www.answering-islam.org – Answering Islam, a site hosted by Jochen Katz. Various contributors answer questions raised by Muslims and in return ask questions about Islam as well.
www.thehungersite.org – The Hunger Site at the UN: Click on the ‘donate free food’ button and somewhere in the world some hungry person gets a meal to eat, at no cost to you. The food is paid for by corporate sponsors (who gain advertising in the process because you see their logo). But you are only allowed one donation per day, so pass the word.
www.debate.org.uk – Debate.org is a site where you find many transcripts of debates that took place between Christians and Muslims. Questions are asked about Islam that urgently need answers. Furthermore, numerous problems Muslims have with Christianity are answered in a scholarly way.
www.crucified4u.com – Crucified4u.com is a gospel site showing people why they should become a Christian. It has special sections for Atheists, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. There is also a section for Born-again Christians, with some advice on witnessing and some links to the writings of Christians from the past.
www.3lotus.com – 3lotus.com is a website sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in English and Arabic