My name is Fatemeh. I have been married for 21 years & have two sons (20 and 13 yrs old). My married life has never been easy and I internalised the sadness and hatred in my heart. After 10 years of marriage I became progressively more ill and have spent many months bed ridden in hospital in the past few years.
Eventually I was diagnosed with cancer of the blood one and a half years ago. I was advised by friends to seek peace thru some sort of metaphysics (some sort of meditation) and when I used to meditate, I saw Jesus leading me, encouraging me to follow Him. But I never pursued Jesus in Iran.
One day after I arrived in the south of England, I was drawn to a group of Iranians in the canteen to whom H., a Christian lady was teaching English. I developed a friendship with them.
I was invited to church. Five days later I went the first time. It was a family service. During the worship I really felt lifted up in the Spirit. After the service a few church leaders prayed for me. When they were praying, I felt a shower of living waters was washing me from head to toe and I felt so much lighter and was consoled. Afterwards one of the leaders had a vision of me being under the shower and God the Holy Spirit washing me!
Every time I attended that church, God has touched me. Many have kindly prayed with me and I have been blessed thru their prayers.
In one gathering someone mentioned the verse “If God is for me, who can be against me”. This verse gave me soooo much peace and gave me confidence to continue.
About a month later, in January 2020 I attended a church prayer meeting. That night a member prayed extensively for me after the service and at the end asked me if I wanted to surrender all my life to Jesus. I said yes and with tears surrendered my whole life into the hands of Jesus. I received such an amazing peace – it was wonderful.
The following day, I went to court with the possibility of becoming homeless as I had no means of paying for my accommodation nor my medical treatment. The judge passed a verdict that I was not eligible for any support and I had to pay for my medication – which is impossible for me. The case was finished and the judge closed his laptop and solicitors are collecting their affairs when the judge changed his mind at the last minute and allowed me stay in the UK. Hallelujah.
On one Sunday morning I was reading Luke 11 after the service while others were being prayed for. When I read the Lord’s prayer “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”. Suddenly all the hatred in my heart lifted. I felt as if God was saying ‘I have forgiven you, so now you too forgive and let go of all the hatred in your heart.” I felt a dark spirit of hatred leave me. I felt sooooo free. Hallelujah!
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